Liberating Your Mind

The contemporary version of mindfulness originated in the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn, who in the late 1970s developed what he called Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) to help patients cope with chronic conditions, especially chronic pain.  In an influential HuffPost Contributor article, Purser and Loy offered a trenchant critique of what this work on mindfulness has become, which they refer to as ‘McMindfulness’, equivalent to a standard hamburger with little nutritional value.  

Mindfulness has joined a long list of panaceas promoted as offering greater happiness and good health, from supposed ‘Palaeolithic’ diets to meditation.  They all fade more or less quickly in popularity, defeated either by the discipline required to maintain them or being exposed as little more than fads.  Like meditation, mindfulness is promoted in part by invoking the cachet of being ‘Buddhist-inspired’, but to make mindfulness more acceptable as a means for enhancing corporate productivity, there is an accompanying insistence that the modern version is not tied to its Buddhist origins.

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Running Out of Gas

‘Surge capacity’, ‘adrenal fatigue’, ‘burnout’, are buzz-words and phrases that have no physiological validity. There is no evidence that feeling tired is a sign of adrenal malfunction: the adrenaline that facilitates action just keeps on being produced. The real meaning of surge capacity is in fact the reserve of hospital health care resources that can be called upon in emergencies, when up to 50% more patients than normal might need treatment.

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Buyer Beware

There’s a lot of speculation about what working life will be like in the future. One option is a hybrid arrangement, with more of us working at least part of the time from home. Some large corporates are insisting that their employees must work from company offices once the pandemic has eased, but setting aside speculation about the pros and cons of working from home or office, whatever your work environment, everyone is affected by the two intertwined constants in life: pressure and change.

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Taking a Chance

Evolution is often thought to be a process of trial and error. In fact, it’s the other way round: evolution proceeds by error and trial. Every cell in your body contains your DNA, which is replicated whenever a cell divides. Inevitably, in the countless divisions there will be occasional errors in transcription – mutations. Those errors are then ‘tested’ to find out whether or not they confer an advantage over the unmutated form.

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Global Woe

Here’s the bad news: real GDP in the UK dipped to -10.3% in 2020, and unemployment rose from 3.7% to 5.4% across 2019/2020. Similar grim figures have emerged across the globe as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic – GDP growth for the EU was -7.4%, and unemployment rose from 3.7% to 8.9% in the USA – and with the inevitable emergence of viral mutations there is still a hard road ahead. The (sort-of) good news is that vaccines were produced in record time, and approved just as quickly in many countries. The dark cloud behind the silver lining is that the availability of vaccines will for some time be limited, and will disproportionately benefit rich countries at a cost to poorer ones: unlike trade, altruism is definitely not global.

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