Dr Derek Roger qualified originally in psychology, but the emphasis in his work subsequently shifted towards neuroscience.
His ground-breaking research, mainly at the University of York in England and later at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, has made him one of the world's leading experts on resilience and stress management. Derek applies his significant experience at the cutting edge of neuroscience and psychology to working situations in an insightful and commercially relevant manner.
Derek is a British Psychological Society Chartered Psychologist.
Initiated - 20 year Research Programme
Drawing on his expertise, Derek initiated an innovative programme of research on stress and health at the University of York, where he established the internationally-renowned Stress Research Unit. The Unit was funded continuously for over 20 years by research grants and attracted a significant number of UK and international visiting researchers.
12 years in New Zealand
After an enjoyable and life-changing holiday in New Zealand, Derek and his wife, Gwen, moved to New Zealand in 2003. Derek held an adjunct professorship at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, which provided a platform for the research programme to continue. Derek and Gwen returned to the UK in 2015.
Published Findings
Findings from the research have been published in over 120 journal articles, books and keynote conference presentations. A number of applied, controlled-trial case studies have also been conducted demonstrating the efficacy of the training, and these can be seen in the Resources section of this website.